Unfortunately, in today’s hectic digital world most people are service to self. Fortunately, there are some Service to Others individuals who still choose to make a world of difference for those in need of help. Two Teachers left their comfortable lives in North America to help very impoverished and vulnerable in South Africa. They brought with them the ability to create love energized “Love Energy Sacred Healing Waters”. Here is one of their many unforgettable experiences with the children.
“We did our Sacred Waters Ceremony with the little love nuggets in the day care center. I helped to lead the ceremony and it felt so great! I love this so much. I feel like I am glowing. I had a smile on my face the entire time and even if I wanted to stop smiling I don’t think it would be possible because of the love I felt flowing through me. All of the children did so well and they even wanted more water at the end as we had some extra.
To see the change in one particular little boy was so precious. When we first got there and said hello to him, he was sluggish, not very smiley and just seemed sick. During the ceremony he began staring at us in such a mesmerized way and his eyes began to twinkle. By the end of the ceremony he was so energized, that he was literally running back and forth in the crèche, smiling, laughing and playing. It was a really special moment. Thank you for the opportunity to have these magical experiences!! I love our kids!!!”
We donate $5 from the sale of each recording to help feed and educate 1,400 destitute children in day care centers. These little children live in majorly under-resourced shanty town communities.
The unique Sacred Waters, at home seminar recording includes a special ceremony with Ga Ra and Za Ra saying an ancient power prayer and singing ancient magno-electric songs. This recording now enables people around the world to create amazing negative ionized Love Energy Sacred Healing Waters out of tap water within the comfort of their home.