The word Enlightenment was created long ago to describe the state of Conscious Awareness that unfolds when one uses the Unconditional Love Energies of Joy to merge into “Oneness” the information processing and sensing abilities in the brain of one’s temporary 3rd dimensional physical body and in the Mind of one’s permanent 4th dimensional Emotional Body.
Enlightenment is the normal state of Conscious Awareness for humanity and long ago most of those in human physical bodies upon planet earth lived their lives as Enlightened Ones.
In today’s hectic digital world the state of Conscious Awareness called Enlightenment is still easy to attain but as described in our Attain Enlightenment at home seminar recording, Enlightenment is now more difficult to retain.
Enlightenment is easy to attain and our online Free Love Energy Tests will give you a taste of Enlightenment. Our Attain Enlightenment recording contains the ancient wisdom and techniques that enable one to attain and retain the state of Conscious Awareness called Enlightenment.
In addition, our Love Energy Techniques Activator Classes now enable and empower one to attain and retain the state of Conscious Awareness called Super Enlightenment.